When Extraordinary Becomes Commonplace

We just bought and moved into our dream house. It’s a home my husband and I thought we’d never have. When we purchased our home in California, we thought it was our beginner-fixer upper-home, and it became what we thought was our forever-home after our fixes and renovations. And then, God did something beyond all we could ever ask or think and relocated us to Arizona where we now have our dream home.

As I walk through the hallways and rooms, I can hardly believe this is my home. I’ve thought to myself, Will it ever become commonplace to me?

Will I get to a place where I don’t appreciate this amazing gift God gave to us?

Will I ever just kind of ho-hum my beautiful home?

Will I ever complain it’s not good enough?

Will I ever stop appreciating the space I have, the pool in my backyard, and my exquisite master bedroom?

It’s much like when we first found our beloved. He was so amazing and made us laugh. We sat by the phone waiting for his ring. In his presence sometimes our heart would skip a beat and our breath would be taken away just a bit.

Do you remember when you first fell in love with your husband?

Do you remember the excitement, the lure, the anticipation?

Do you remember feeling lucky and chosen?

Has your marriage become commonplace?

Just like getting a new house and feeling oh so excited and overjoyed, only to find a few years later your heart has become discontent and weary and unappreciative.

We forget about the tremendous gift we were given.

I hope I never stop appreciating my home.

And as for my husband I make it a habit to remember why I married him in the first place. Even during the frustrating times—like when he puts things in cabinets, I don’t want in that cabinet, or when his wants differ from my own—I will stop and think about what an amazing man he is.

Our marriage becomes commonplace when we begin to see our spouse as ordinary and stop looking for his extraordinary qualities.

I’ll often stop and think about my husband’s humor…his kindness, his understanding ways, his compassion toward me, his commitment to serving and working, and his deep devotion to God.

It doesn’t take long before I stop and think to myself, I am so lucky to be married to this man. How did I ever get so lucky? 

When we have appreciation in our heart the extraordinary will not become commonplace.

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”

-James 1:17

Let us never allow God’s perfect gifts to become ordinary and commonplace.

Getting married or know someone who is? Do you want to set your marriage on fire? The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes by Lucille Williams brings relatable, real-life stories of everyday women that will challenge and equip you to work toward a greater intimacy that infiltrates every area of your married life. Pick up a copy HERE. You may know someone who’s getting engaged, From Me to We would make a perfect gift. GET a copy HERE.

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