The Power of Showing Up

My five-year-old granddaughter was getting her first award at school. My husband and I left early in the morning to be there when she was awarded her prized “Knowledgeable” award. As the kids walked in their lines very orderly she noticed us and her smile and excitement were clearly felt. I knew I had made […]

Never Give Up

Someone reading this today is ready to throw in the towel, quit, walk away, be done. It can be a number of things. A dream, a relationship, a hope, a prayer. It can be as different as we are different. On my darkest days, there’s a phrase I say to myself… You haven’t heard from […]

Choose Kindness

While scrolling through social media I came across a letter which stopped me in my tracks. I’d like to share it with you… Hi ladies, Tomorrow will be my last clean for [name of bank]. I have made up a bucket of ISS cleaning materials for the next cleaner, whoever that may be. I’ve left […]

When Others Let You Down

When was the last time you were counting on someone and they totally let you down? My first recollection of being totally baffled and dumbfounded by someone who I thought I could trust and count on was when I was five years old. There was a teenager in my neighborhood, actually it was a male […]

The Last Word

I was flying to Texas…many of my posts start that way, have you noticed? Well, I was flying to Texas, and my husband dropped me off at the Flyaway. (For those of you who don’t know, the Flyaway is a bus taking travelers to LAX.) I like to sit toward the front because I tend […]
