Rejection Turned Into Celebration
Rejection is God’s protection. Have you ever heard that before? Rejection hurts. Rejection stings. Rejection can crush your spirit.
I feel like I’ve had more rejection than success in my life. How about you? BUT if we can reframe rejection and recognize it as God’s projection it becomes a bit more palatable.
I can remember opening emails with a racing heart and a hopeful spirit taking a deep breath before I took in the words on my computer only to have my hopes dashed.
I had a big dream. I had big aspirations. I desired to serve God in whatever way He saw fit. I asked God to use me over and over. Use me to help others.
I had a big dream to write a book for women. A book for women which would help their marriage. More specifically help their sex life…
Which in turn would help their marriage.
Which in turn would help their family.
And yet, the rejection letters kept flooding in. I’d pray, “Lord, what would you have me do? I can do whatever you want me to. Do I keep trying or do I go in another direction?”
With every rejection and petition to God came the same answer, “Keep writing.”
And so I stayed faithful.
What are you trusting God with today? What disappointments, rejections, heartache might just be God protecting you?
We don’t know what God is protecting us from or what better thing He has prepared for us.
Or what He is preparing us for.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
-Jeremiah 29:11-13
God wants you to seek Him with your whole heart. Do you trust God wants to give you good things?
In those years of waiting God grew me—as a wife, as a Christian, as a writer.
Finally, my first book “From Me to We” was published and God did more than I had hoped for.
And now, my dear friend, God made a way for my big dream to be realized. The book I had so desperately and passionately big dreamed about finally found a home.
The long wait was God’s timing.
God’s perfect timing.
I have an exciting announcement. This book is now available on pre-order. Click HERE. “The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes” is years’ worth of work and faithfulness and prayer. I’m honored to be able to share this with you. My goal is to light up marriages across the nation, one marriage at a time. Will you help me with this big dream? Would you pre-order a copy today?
Subscribe to LuSays and get weekly updates. It’s wedding season—order a copy of “From Me to We” by Lucille Williams or pick up a copy wherever books are sold.