New Year, New Resolutions, Simple Steps

Will you be making resolutions this year? Some of us do, and some of us say, Why bother? Which is totally understandable because sometimes, or oftentimes, what we start out doing at the beginning of the year falls off by the end of the year. Why is that? Maybe it’s because we set expectations of ourselves that are unrealistic or way too high. Could it be that perhaps we need to be a bit gentler on ourselves and more loving?

Resolutions tend to focus on what we don’t like, what we need to change, and what we can do better. Which isn’t bad necessarily, it’s good to take inventory of ourselves with the goal of enhancing our lives.

But let’s not forget to look at the progress we made last year and the good things we accomplished.

Instead of looking back for what mistakes were made, or what changes we need to make, how about we look back on what we did well before looking ahead to what this coming year will be? Take some time to celebrate the blessings from last year.

Then move on…

Consider simple steps for the coming year instead of huge resolutions. After all, change happens when we make little steps, little changes, simple tweaks over time.  Each little step turns into new beginnings and new foundations of love and hope and joy.

New Resolutions with 5 Simple Steps:

  1. Decide to practice self-acceptance. Allow yourself the freedom to make mistakes. Give yourself the gift of being nice to yourself and not criticizing every little mishap. Okay, that just happened. Ask, Do I need to apologize to anyone I’ve hurt or wronged? If so, make amends and MOVE ON. No need to beat yourself up.
  • Decide to carve out time for loved ones. In our busy lives oftentimes what we push aside is time with family and friends. Move time with loved ones up on your priority scale and calendar.
  • Decide to practice building your spiritual life. This doesn’t have to be big, huge changes, but can mean reading one chapter a day in your Bible and sending up prayers throughout the day.
  • Decide to practice gratefulness. Each day think of one thing you are grateful for and let it wash over you. When we practice gratefulness, joy increases.
  • Decide you will reach for help if you need to. No matter what age or stage of life you’re in there can be boulders—things that are too heavy to carry on your own—you need help with. Maybe something has a hold on you and you need a little help to let it go. Maybe there’s a hurt that’s brewing into bitterness. Maybe anger keeps creeping up and boiling over. You deserve freedom, and if a professional can help you, make that call. Start with a simple call and make an appointment. Take that first step.

Wishing a wonderful start to a new year! Practice the simple steps to fill it with joy and love.

“The LORD’S acts of mercy indeed do not end, for His compassions do not fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”

– Lamentations 3:22-23

For more from Lucille Williams check out her books The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace, and for your marriage, From Me to We, and The Intimacy You Crave. And Turtle Finds His Talent for ages 2-6. We invite you to subscribe to LuSays today for weekly encouragement.

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