I Always Think I Am Right…until I find out I am wrong…

The older I get the more I learn there is a whole lot of information data knowledge Intel stuff I don’t know. When I think I am right about something, I really think I am right!

Like raising kids for instance, I was absolutely certain about specific practices and guidelines feeling like I knew the outcome of each decision—until my kids grew up. “My kids would never do that or decide that” but then they did that and decided that.

Simple SaladAnother one is diet plans; I have been convinced that certain plans and products were good—until much research came out regarding the harmful effects of certain practices. I’ve had to eat crow and recant some of my claims. (Not that I am an expert or anything, but I do pride myself on nutritional knowledge.) I have switched my family’s diet around so many times, and then switched them back again. Ugh!

I am so certain that I am right about things until I find out I am wrong. Isn’t that statement true for all of us? What divides the imbeciles from the intelligent is the ability to admit being wrong and the willingness to change course. What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

The key to successful living is to be able to recognize a wrong turn, do an about-face and turn in the right direction. It requires a humble heart and a willingness to change—even if it means eating crow!

Failure is a requirement to all out living. If you don’t fail, you are strolling. Failing means you jumped all in, jumped high and admitted it didn’t work. Admitting that something did not work is success. It is only when we learn how not to do something, we can try again with gained experience and knowhow. So it is not really failing. It is learning.

I have eaten a lot of crow over the years.

Something I have learned: Admitting you were wrong, or not admitting you were wrong, will define who you are.

When the people we care about the most see we are willing to recant, eat crow, admit being wrong, they will have more respect for us and see us a being relatable. (Who hasn’t been wrong?) On the contrary, if we are not willing to admit being wrong we will create an atmosphere of mistrust, whether at home with our family or on the job with our co-workers.

This is especially true with our children. They can spot a phony a mile away…or a bedroom away.

I am committed to living honestly. This requires I put away my pride and stubbornness, and have an attitude of perpetual willingness to learn.

Yes, I usually do think I am right about “stuff” but I am willing to listen to others’ views, and I always reserve the right to change my mind—like a true woman.

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