Going Into 2021: Surprise Attacks, and Lessons We Learn

I was lured in. It was shiny. It was pretty. And it looked soft and smooth. It was a cactus. I’ve always been afraid to touch a cactus, well, because it’s a cactus!

But this one caught my eye. I was on a walk, on a beautiful day, and there it was.

Inviting me to “feel” it.

I stopped walking and looked at it. It looked fuzzy and soft and smooth. I wonder what it feels like? I thought. But it’s a cactus I shouldn’t touch a cactus.

On the other hand, how bad can it be?

It’s the new year, let’s be adventurous. And…I touched it. It was soft. I felt the green part, and the glochids—the hair-like spines which are fine and hairy. They were so soft and soothing. Ha! Why had I been so afraid of touching a cactus? Psst! No biggie!

Feeling victorious I walked on.


I felt them. All over my hands. Fine, hairy spines tipped with barbs were all over my hands. I could barely see them but I could feel them.

I began pulling each out, one at a time, to the best of my ability.

At this point I’d like to stop and say this for you, because I know you’re thinking it…You’re an idiot!

I spent the rest of the day pulling those little pesky and painful suckers out.

When my husband got home I didn’t even tell him. I was way too embarrassed.

Finally, later I asked him if he had duct tape.

Of course he asked, Why?

My reply, I’m embarrassed to tell you.

He gave me that understanding look.

Okay, I touched a cactus.

What? Why?

I told you I was embarrassed to tell you. It just looked so smooth and soft. And I touched it.

Let’s take another pause here.

Most husbands would have laughed or lectured or both. And I totally expected as such—understandably so.

But he didn’t.

He got the duct tape and helped me remove the remaining glochids.

He didn’t make fun of me.

He didn’t put me down.

He didn’t take a superior posture.

He just helped me.

I don’t know, maybe he went into the garage and had a good laugh, but not in front of me.

No one needed to tell me that what I did wasn’t the sharpest thing I’ve ever done. Sometimes I just do things because…well…I don’t know why exactly. I just know that more often than I’d like, I can make really unwise choices.

Touching a cactus can go on my Why Would I Do That? list, now.

What’s on your list?

We’ve all said to ourselves, Why would I do that?

Have you ever done something which in the moment seemed like a good idea but then later you paid for it? We’ve all been lured in by what seems good at the time, but then later realized it was a big mistake.

But what’s important is how we move forward after we slip a bit. It’s not falling that matters, it’s getting up that counts. Getting up, and then, moving forward. 

As we move into the new year remember to keep getting up, and keep moving forward.

And love yourself and others in the process.

Lucille Williams is the author of “From Me to We” and “The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes”  order a copy today to enhance your marriage. Subscribe to LuSays.com for weekly encouragement.

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