God Moving

I took a recent trip to Texas to visit my son and his family. On one of the days, I got the privilege of picking up the kids from their schools and also bringing lunch to my six-year-old grandson. Grandma went to Chick-fil-A and got lunch and brought it to the school lunchroom—where we had our own private table for lunch. The thing that was so special about this is that it was at the invitation of my grandson. He asked Grandma to lunch. What a wonderful day. What a wonderful lunch.

As I drove around town, I passed something extremely significant from the past. I passed one of my son’s old workplaces. I remember back to being parked in a parking lot for him to get off work while me and my young grandson waited eagerly to see him. You see, he had been a pastor but for a short time during his divorce process he worked another job.

It was one of the most trying times to watch my child go through as a mom.

So much pain.

So much uncertainty.

So much waiting for God to move.

But I watched my son be faithful.

Driving by his old workplace a flood of emotions consumed me—the most prevalent were…




Looking back and seeing how God worked overwhelmed me.

Currently, he is working as a pastor at a wonderful mega church and is married to the most amazing woman.

Can I talk to Moms of sons for a minute?

If you have a son with a wonderful wife who loves him and treats him well, that is a blessing beyond blessings. Be thankful for her and praise God for her.

I find myself stopping on a regular basis and thanking God for my daughter-in-law. James 1:17 says, “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation of shifting shadow.”

If you have a daughter-in-law who loves your son, you have a gift from God.

As for me, I could not be more thankful for my daughter-in-law—Bethany Williams. I feel like she was sent from God to be a light in the darkness as God’s provision and one of His perfect gifts.

Are you going through a trying time? Wait on God, my friend. He is the giver of gifts and sometimes the most perfect gifts come out of trying times. Sometimes the most painful things we go through turn into our biggest joys.

Sometimes we don’t understand what God is doing but when He moves it is always for our good. When God moves, we can later look back and be thankful, grateful, and appreciative.

When God moves it’s powerful and life changing.

For more from Lucille Williams check out her books The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace, and for your marriage, From Me to We, and The Intimacy You Crave. And on preorder Turtle Finds His Talent for ages 2-6. We invite you to subscribe to LuSays today for weekly encouragement.

4 thoughts on “God Moving

  1. Love this, awesome post, Lucille! So much of life is waiting, but how we wait is important to God and can bear the fruit that comes with faithful waiting. Some cakes take longer to bake, but worth the wait! XXX Love you.

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