How to Restore a Relationship with Your Adult Child

Relationships can be complicated. Being a parent is complicated and oftentimes difficult. Being a child of a complicated and multidimensional parent can be complicated and painful. Being human can sometimes be very complicated, so it is no surprise that sometimes our relationships—even our most treasured ones—can be difficult and complicated. The longer a divide exists […]

A Father’s Day Tribute

I’m a teenager and I just started driving. I was flying down Rinaldi (if you live in Southern California you most likely know Rinaldi Street) while all the other cars were slowing down, I took advantage of the clear lane and speeded up. That’s when it happened…while I was stopped at a red light, through […]

Adult Children and Blame

Why is it so hard to live by grace for ourselves as a parent? As I was raising my children when they had behavior that was, let’s just say, “unbecoming,” my first instinct was to blame myself. Did I not teach them right? Did I not model good behavior? Is this because of the fight […]

Parenting with Love

ABC news covered a delightful clip of a reporter who was interrupted by a “fan” while he was reporting on a story. With microphone in hand, and in the middle of recording a story on the side of a not-very-busy street, he pauses because he sees his mom in a car right behind him. This […]
