Marriage Gut Punches

I was reading each day’s post to my husband. These posts were very special to me. My publisher offered a 7-Day Marriage Challenge taken from my book. I signed up. Yes, I signed up for the marriage challenge that I wrote! Kind of funny, huh?  As the challenges showed up in my inbox I read […]

Feeling Loved

This cute little darling of a 4th grader, with a big smile, cheerfully glided into the kids’ class where I was helping on Sunday morning. The lesson was on LOVE, and during our small group time, I asked, “When was the last time you felt loved?” “I haven’t felt loved for a while” said the […]

The Waiting Game

I learned something about marriage this week. Marriage and patience go hand in hand. Let me rephrase that, a solid marriage and patience go hand in hand. Before we move on, I’d like to write the definition of patient… Patient Adjective: able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. […]

Strengthen Your Marriage Today

Friends, Today I’d like to introduce you to Pastor Rocky Hernandez. Rocky is doing significant work for the Kingdom, not only as a pastor, but through his podcast, Productive Ministry. And this week guess who is the guest speaker about marriage? Y’all it’s me! If you want to strengthen your marriage today,  with easy doable […]
