Owning Your Hooey In Marriage

In all of our meaningful relationships, and especially in marriage, being willing to look at yourself through reality eyes will guide the health of the relationship. I don’t know about you, but I can be really mean, mean to the point where I’m embarrassed to share just how mean. I’ll be engaged in a conversation […]

The Saddest Word In the Dictionary

I was catching a fight, and as I was waiting to board, I noticed a young mom with a beautiful baby girl. My eyes fixed on this tiny little beautiful baby. “She’s beautiful,” I said to the stunning mom. This sparked a conversation. All grandmother’s love talking about their grandchildren, and most new mom’s like […]

Love Language

After being married for 36 years I finally took the love language test to find out what my love language was. I was totally surprised by the results. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about Dr. Gary Chapman has a book titled, The 5 Love Languages and for some reason […]

When Others Let You Down

When was the last time you were counting on someone and they totally let you down? My first recollection of being totally baffled and dumbfounded by someone who I thought I could trust and count on was when I was five years old. There was a teenager in my neighborhood, actually it was a male […]

Marriage, Is It Worth It? 6 Points

As I sit in the lobby of the physical therapy center while my husband receives the treatment he needs for his recent knee replacement surgery I think about our many years together and the many challenges we’ve had. I’m thinking about marriage because I’ll be speaking about marriage soon at an upcoming conference. What should […]
