Life After a Heart Attack

I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life. Not that my life was bad before, on the contrary, I was quite happy with my life, but when your husband has a major heart attack while you’re holding his hand, it changes things. It changed my perspective. It changed my outlook on life. […]

Growing Spiritually as a Couple While Raising Kids by Dr. Jim Burns

It’s a common surprise: parents think that once their children get past the exhausting toddler years and become more independent, life will slow down and the couple will have more time to connect spiritually. For many, the opposite becomes reality. For whatever reason—busyness, tension in the relationship, stress, or another issue—couples can grow apart and […]

In Sickness and In Health

Mostly no one gets married thinking about sickness. We take the vow of “In sickness and in health” but let’s be honest, almost no one is thinking about sickness. Oh sure, there might be an occasional cold or flu and maybe they’ll have bouts of allergy attacks but “sickness” real sickness, not likely.  Our hopes […]
