All I Want for Christmas is My Peace, Joy, and Happiness Back

Fear. Anxiety. Sadness. Disappointment. Confusion. Anger. Shame. Disgust. Amusement. Empathy. Curiosity. Surprise. Acceptance. Adoration. Gratitude. Happiness. Joy. Peace. Calm. Enjoyment. Excitement. Awe. Love. As you read over those emotions, where do you find yourself? It’s OK. Wherever you are right now, it’s OK. We are all led to believe that going into the holiday season […]

A Short Devotional on Love

“I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.” – John 13:34-35 Love. Jesus commands us to love. But what does this […]

How to Restore a Relationship with Your Adult Child

Relationships can be complicated. Being a parent is complicated and oftentimes difficult. Being a child of a complicated and multidimensional parent can be complicated and painful. Being human can sometimes be very complicated, so it is no surprise that sometimes our relationships—even our most treasured ones—can be difficult and complicated. The longer a divide exists […]

When God Moves

I felt utter desperation. And even more confused. I was in-between assignments from God and had no idea what was next. Thinking I’d be at my last ministry position until Jesus came back, being in-between left me spinning. And at the same time fully understanding that sometimes God puts things in our hands and sometimes […]

Growing Spiritually as a Couple While Raising Kids by Dr. Jim Burns

It’s a common surprise: parents think that once their children get past the exhausting toddler years and become more independent, life will slow down and the couple will have more time to connect spiritually. For many, the opposite becomes reality. For whatever reason—busyness, tension in the relationship, stress, or another issue—couples can grow apart and […]

When the Church Hurts You

We’ve all heard this… “Church is full of hypocrites.” I’d have to agree with that statement because I know I’m a hypocrite and I’m in church each week. Definition of hypocrite: 1  : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2  : a person who acts in contradiction to his […]
