All I Want for Christmas is My Peace, Joy, and Happiness Back
Fear. Anxiety. Sadness. Disappointment. Confusion. Anger. Shame. Disgust.
Amusement. Empathy. Curiosity. Surprise.
Acceptance. Adoration. Gratitude. Happiness. Joy. Peace. Calm. Enjoyment.
Excitement. Awe. Love.
As you read over those emotions, where do you find yourself?
It’s OK. Wherever you are right now, it’s OK.
We are all led to believe that going into the holiday season we must feel joy and peace and glee. And if we don’t there’s a level of guilt one may feel. A level of sadness that adds to our discontent that we’re not more content. It’s a vicious and brutal cycle.
As for me I think I can tune into each emotion and see that I’ve felt the whole list as we approach the Christmas celebration season. It’s been good, but I can’t say it’s been easy. OK, fine! It’s been hard…really hard.
Like for example, my husband’s heart attack. That was really hard. To feel all of those scary emotions again all I have to do is think back on the experience and I’m there…again…scared and tired and hopeful.
Will it happen again? How can I find peace with the threat looming over me?
I don’t know what thoughts steal your joy, my friend, but I understand the feeling of threat that can overwhelm us.
Hard-difficult-trying can be good, too.
Most of the time, if not all of the time, hard and difficult and trying is where we learn and grow and conquer. It’s going through hard things that bring us our best things.
Getting to peace, joy, and happiness can start with acceptance. Acceptance for what is. Acceptance of yourself. Acceptance offered to those you love.
Acceptance is a gift.
Arguably the best gift we can offer to someone we love at this time is acceptance. Or maybe the best gift we can offer ourselves is acceptance, just as we are right now.
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all people. The Lord is near.” – Philippians 4:4-5
What thoughts are blocking peace and joy and happiness? Are those thoughts true, honorable, good?
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” – Philippians 4:8
Is it true that I can’t find peace because my husband could have another heart attack? No. No, it is not true. I can rejoice that he’s here now and thriving and loving. I can be thankful.
Is it true that [you fill in the possibilities] and therefore peace and joy are illusive?
Our minds have a way of making our fears (for what might happen!) feel real and present at the moment, when really what they do is rob us of our joy in the present. They rob us of experiencing the present fully and with cheer and celebration.
What I am proposing is when those types of stories run in our minds, stop and ask, Is it true?
What I have learned in taking back peace, joy, and happiness after difficulty is to glory in the present moments and to be thankful for what is and what God has in the future.
Some of us may be experiencing sadness during this time. This is where I found myself at the beginning of this season. But as I got to the bottom of my feelings and thoughts I realized new and awe and hope was what I could grab on to. My feelings led me to believe my thoughts were true…thoughts that were not true, thoughts that were scary, thoughts that were causing anxiety and shame. Shame causes us to withdraw and to retreat. I had to learn to not retreat but to step into my relationships, step into my thoughts and question them, step into the present, step into love and acceptance, and allow the truth to bring healing and grace and joy.
And that’s what I am wishing for you this Christmas season…
Peace, joy, and happiness.
Step into relationships, step into the present, step into acceptance, step into love.
“Therefore do not let what is for you a good thing be spoken of as evil; For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 14:16-17
Getting married or know someone who is during this holiday season? Order a copy of From Me to We. Want to have some laughs and gain valuable intimacy tips? The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes is sure to do the trick. Do you have a strong-spirited child? The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace, by Lucille Williams. And for ages 2-6, Turtle Finds His Talent. Subscribe to LuSays today for regular encouragement.
Thank you, Andy!
Merry Christmas dear Lu!! I’m truly blessed and grateful for your ministry of encouragement!! Love you my friend!!

Denise- Thank you, sweet lady! Merry Christmas
Love you