Lucille Williams

Welcome to LuSays. I’m glad you’re here. My name is Lucille Williams, but my friends call me Lu. What’s your truth? My truth is I’ve struggled a lot through life. I laugh a lot. I cry a lot. And I love all out.

I’ve been married to the love of my life for over 40 years. We have an incredible marriage. But it wasn’t always that way. In fact, it started out rough. Really rough. Our first 5 years we titled the “5 year fight.” I’m not kidding. We got back from our honeymoon and fought for 5 years. I was an expert fighter. He was pretty good, too, but I was better. I’m not sure how we stayed together. I think it’s because we made a promise on our wedding day. We keep promises.

Then, one day we met Jesus and everything changed. God taught me how to be a wife and mom. Sounds a bit cliche, I know, but it’s the truth. Today I am a pastor’s wife. Me? I never saw that one coming. I didn’t marry a pastor. God changed him. God changed me. I still struggle, but now I know where to go for the answers.

Together we raised 3 amazing kids, Monica, Tim, and Joseph, who all love and serve God.

To say that I loved raising them would be an understatement. I was the mom who on the first day of kindergarten went home and cried all day. I’m not joking! We now have five grand-babies–who are the loves of my life! Both my son and son-in-law are pastors. So, there’s a lot of pastor’s in our family, which keeps things pretty crazy.

I love God, my husband, and kids, and grandkids all out. Holding back emotion is not a skill I’ve learned yet. I’m a recovering bulimic, codependent, obsessed mom, people-pleaser, over-eater, and over-dieter. After living in bondage I learned how to live in grace.

I went from being a fault-finder to a grace-spreader.

If you struggle, too, but want to love better and be the best version of you, then you’ve come to the right place. My life is messy and I’m guessing yours might be as well. Let’s all take this journey together and cheer for each other. Together we can help each other make a difference. I want to make a difference, and leave a mark, don’t you? Each day choose grace. Grace for you, and then extend grace to others. I invite you to join our community of grace-spreaders and add your email to the follow button.

Welcome, friend!

Always choose love–love never fails.



Wedding photo by Josh Telles

30 thoughts on “Lucille Williams

  1. Listened to you this morning on Focus on the Family. I appreciate your transparency and humor. I am an old bride that hasn’t learned to follow my husband but God is good. He keeps sending reminders that I can change.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. I’ve been married and divorced twice… and I’ve been alone for past 5 years studying Gods word only last year did I finally get Ephesians 5!! And listening to you on focus on the family today Wow!! When you said yield because of love . I believe that is how you said it!! Thank you for your encouragement ☺ God bless you

  3. I also heard you on Focus on the Family this morning!! I’m a 24 year old engaged woman who’s committing to the man of my dreams. After pondering, agreeing, and laughing listening to you on my way to work this morning; I felt reaffirmed that even in today’s world true love can still be achieved. God gave us His word for a reason! Its the only truth man-kind can grasp onto!! Thank you for the great start to the day! Cant wait to buy your book!

    1. Going into marriage with that attitude and mindset I have no doubt YOU will have a great marriage! Enjoy the man of your dreams. Blessings to you with the upcoming wedding. Feel free to reach out as you read the book if you have any questions. Blessings!!

  4. Hi I just listened to you on focus on the family an I must admit I was inspired by your story… I’m a young Christian not married not in a relationship but your strength and story has encourage me for the future when i arrive at that decision.

  5. I listened to you on family life today and enjoyed you so. Thank you. While I completely agree with you, I wonder what your thoughts and advice is for a person in a “Christian” marriage where a partner struggles with narcissistic personality disorder (said in kindness)? Thank you.

    1. Hi Dawn! Thank you for reaching out and for your kind comments. Much appreciated! First, I’m so sorry. I’m sure your situation is quite difficult and challenging. I would recommend the book Boundaries. Best to you! Praying for you now.

  6. I also heard you on Focus on the Family last week. This morning my husband of 34 years and I were talking about our daughter and her choices in life and in men. I told him you had a quiz, and amazingly I remembered “Lusays”. Unfortunately, our 25 year old daughter has chosen a life without God and continues to date one 30 something year old after another, all of which I consider the same person, lol. These relationships may last a year or a few months until she realized she keeps making the same bad choices and says men are all alike. We raised her to love God and live for Him, but she has been drug along by the enemy through one bad situation after another. Rarely, does she bring them around us. The only one she brought around that we got to know and had relationship with was the one she became engaged to. He screwed up, as they all seem to do, and cheated on her. Today I hope to have lunch with her. She told me this newest guy is becoming controlling and may even be tracking her car. I guess I was hoping to share with her a list of the things she should be looking for when considering a relationship and stop this cycle. You and I both know when you are lost it is like groping around in the dark for someone to hold on to, to feel wanted. I continue to pray that, just as I did, she will come to a place where she returns to God, and allow Him to heal the wounds. God did not give up on me and when I grew tired of life on my own, I asked Him if He could make my life worth living, I would serve Him the rest of my life. A few months later I met my husband and God did just that. You are so blessed to have children that serve the Lord and double blessed to have grandchildren. We ask God what we have done wrong with our two children that they have walked away from Him. Our son was married for 7 years and they lost their baby, our grandson, when she was 8 months pregnant (2016). 5 months later she left him and us. He moved 2,000 miles away and says he doesn’t believe in God any more. We would never have imagined life could have played out like this. We continue to seek God and pray for them and this generation. I guess I assumed our kids would grow up and get married and we would go to church together and live happily ever after. I still pray for that day.

    1. Karen, I’m so sorry for all the heartache you’ve experienced. Like us, God gives our kids grace and free choice. We can raise them to love and follow God but at the end of the day it’s between them and God. Your kids are very fortunate to have parents who love them so much. Keep praying and God will work. Thank you for listening and for reaching out. A post on LuSays you may like is “Playing the Parent Blame Game.” Praying God blesses you richly!

  7. Hi Lu… I just read “From Me to We” Bible Plan on You Version Bible App… I enjoyed it so much. Very motivating… Thank You! I’m getting married in September after being divorced for 20 years… I am happy to report I’m going into this marriage with a much better attitude and insight on how a wife is suppose to act but most importantly, I’m entering into this marriage as a child of God. So thankful for God’s wonderful grace and peace! God bless you and again, thank you for what you do… You are a blessing!

    1. Cherika- Congratulations on your future wedding. Good job on re-evaluating marriage. That’s exactly what I did and it turned my marriage around. May you have many blissful and joyful years together. I hope you get a chance to pick up the book “From Me to We” for you and your groom. The book is for both men and women where the Bible plan is for women. THANK YOU so much for this message of encouragement! Blessings to you!

  8. Thank you Lu for being a leader and an example for other women of God. I am engaged but my parents do not agree with my relationship. I am 30 years old, the oldest in my family and I think a pretty much been a quiet/responsible daughter. My fiance is a believer as well…his family is not crazy about our relationship either. It has been overwhelming and I just came across your material. However, in this rough season learning to trust Jesus and discern His voice and guidance. Please keep me/us in prayer. God bless.

  9. I just started your plan today on YouVersion and I love it. So I had to look you up. My kids father and I were together for 4yrs. We’ve been separated 15yrs, and currently still are. However, we both can’t seem to move on in other relationships. We have both been single for a very long time. It’s crazy cause we both still love each other through all we’ve both been through, but as much as we try to see if we can get back together, it hasn’t worked. When I read your title ‘From Me to We’ it really hit me that I have been stuck in ‘What about Me! me! me!’. I want to work on me, I want God to change me. Maybe I’m doing something wrong and I want to correct that. My kids father is a great man and I think I probably have been making it hard on him because he doesn’t do things I would like him to do, like for instance; demonstrate his love for me, go out of his way to make plans for a date. I focus on that so much because I want his words to match his actions. I don’t know what to do, but I do know I need help and guidance in changing my perspective from Me to We.
    Lu I hope to learn a lot from you.

    1. Lalis- I’m so glad you’re getting “From Me to We” it will definitely help you. I know of one couple who both read the book and after 8 years of being divorced got back together. Your heart seems to be in the right direction. Keep it up!! God can restore your marriage and give your children a mom and dad who love each other no matter what their ages. My advice would be do not focus on what he is doing or not doing. Focus on you and being the best wife or whatever you can be. Our job is not to monitor them but to do our best to be what God has called us to be. I am praying you both are united. I have another book coming out in July 2019 titled “The Intimacy You Crave.” I’m so glad you’re enjoying the devotional on YouVersion.

  10. Hi Lu, Going thru a difficult season with a college adult daughter making poor choices. I read your devotion today with Proverbs 31 and I was encourage to not give up as that expression of “I give up” has come out of my mouth so many times. Looking forward to reading and hearing more from the wisdom God has given you!

      1. I heard you on Focus on the Family. Where can I find the quiz you talked about to take before a person gets married? Thank you!

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